Commercial Companies and their establishing process in the United Arab Emirates are distinguished by their special procedures. In light of the critical importance of the company’s shape in UAE, which reflects and gives an overview of the financial and investment stability in the UAE, Federal Law No. 2 of 2015 has been issued. This law defined the forms of commercial companies so as not to exceed the following classifications:
A- joint-liability company.
B- Limited Partnership company.
C- Limited Liability Company.
D- Public Shareholding Company.
E- Private Shareholding Company.
The law stipulates that if the corporation does not fall under any of the mentioned forms, this shall invalidate all establishing procedures and all persons on whose behalf the company was established hold joint and several liabilities for all obligations arising from such companies.
Therefore, we are proud of the team of lawyers and consultants of our office as it preserves continuous follow-up of all rules and laws determining companies’ forms and their establishing procedures. Our lawyers and consultants can recommend and advise all investors about the suitable work scopes in accordance with the current needs of the local market, thus ensuring the maximum balance between the rights of investors and their clients; individuals or legal persons.